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We (My mom, Nicole, Adreinne, Elaine, Carrie and I) went to the signing at the Arden Mall.  We got there just a little bit later than we hoped.  But when we got to the end of the line, right next to the back door of the store, the guy told use that we had to stay away from the door because they were going to go through there.  So we were like AWESOME! it's not bad being late after all!!  So we waited for like an hour and they came and walked like a foot in front of us!!!  We all were just totally star-struck!!  So we waited to get to the table and we had them sign a shirt that we made and we gave one to Nate for all of them to share.  We told him that it glowed and he was like "Really! Awesome!."  

Here are some pictures from our experience, I hope you have the chance to meet them!

I hope you enjoy looking at the pic's!


We were waiting in line.  We were so close yet so far away! The stinkin' wall was in the way! HAHA!

Here Nate is signing my shirt, Jason is signing Nicole's, and Gabe is talking to Nicole.

Here are the guys signing away!  Nathan, Jeremy,Nate, Jason & Gabe.

This is the tour bus that they came in.  I think that it might be one of the girls' cause it was purple.


Here are their Autographs on my poster.


Thanks Susan for this picture!

Thanks Adreinne for these pictures!  (The picture of Nathan didn't turn out :o(   )


© 2001 plus ONE Suite